Leeward Caribbean Creole English

Leeward Caribbean Creole English
Antiguan Creole
Saint Kitts Creole
Spoken in Antigua and Barbuda
Native speakers 125,000 (no date)
67,000 in Antigua and Barbuda  (2001)
Language family
English Creole
  • Atlantic
    • Eastern
      • Southern
        • Northern Antilles
          • Leeward Caribbean Creole English
Language codes
ISO 639-3 aig
Linguasphere 52-ABB-apf to -apm

Leeward Caribbean Creole English, also known by the names of the various islands on which it is spoken (Antiguan Creole, Saint Kitts Creole, etc.) is an English-based creole language spoken in the Leeward Islands of the Caribbean, namely the countries of Antigua and Barbuda, Montserrat and Saint Kitts and Nevis.

There are subtle differences in the language's usage by different speakers, and islanders often use it in combination with Standard English. The tendency to switch back and forth from Creole to Standard English often seems to correlate with the class status of the speaker. Persons of higher social status tend to switch between Standard English and Creole more readily, due to their more extensive formal education in the English-language school system. Creole usage is more common, and is less similar to Standard English, as speakers descend the socioeconomic ladder.

In the years before Antigua and Barbuda's independence (in 1981), Standard English was widely spoken. However, after independence, Antiguans began to take a certain measure of pride in their language.

Many Creole words are derived from English or African origins. The creole was formed when slaves owned by English planters imitated the English of their enslavers but pronounced it with their own inflections. This can be easily seen in phrases such as "Me nah go," meaning "I am not going," or in "Ent it?," presumably a cognate of "Ain't it?"



Vocabulary is widely influenced by British vocabulary, due to centuries of association with Great Britain. Examples:

However, in other cases the American form prevails over the British one, due to the islands' close proximity to the United States:

Because of the influx of other Caribbean nationals to Antigua, due to natural migration and to the CSME, Antigua's everyday vocabulary is being influenced by Jamaican Creole, bajan Creole, Guyanese Creole and Trinidadian Creole. This is even more common among the youth. Examples:

Examples of un-derivated words and phrases

  1. pickney/pickanyegah-: children
  2. ah wah mek: why
  3. chupit: stupid
  4. smaddy: somebody
  5. likkle: little
  6. ooman: woman
  7. nyam: eat
  8. tall: no, not me, not at all
  9. ah wah dee/da joke yah tarl: what in the world is going on?
  10. leh me lone: leave me alone
  11. ah good/tek dat: that's good for you/take that
  12. tap lie: stop lying
  13. ah true/choo: it's the truth
  14. look yah: come here
  15. cu ya: look here


Antiguan is pronounced very similarly to Jamaican. This has led some to surmise that the slaves of these countries came from the same place in Africa. Below are a few ways in which some language blends are fused or changed completely.

Language Use

Antiguan Creole is used in almost every aspect of life in Antigua. In all schools, during class hours, it is required of students to speak Standard English. This policy is especially exercised in private owned schools. Most media and mainstream communication is written and spoken in Standard English, although Antiguan Creole is sometimes used humorously or as a way of identifying with the local public.

Use of Antiguan Creole varies depending on socio-economic class. In general, the higher and middle classes use it amongst friends and family but switch to Standard English in the public sphere. The lower class tend to use Antiguan Creole in almost every sector of life.

The Pronominal System

The pronominal system of Standard English has a four-way distinction of person, singular/plural, gender and nominative/objective. Some varieties of Antiguan Creole do not have the gender or nominative/objective distinction, though most do; but usefully, it does distinguish between the second person singular and plural (you).

I, me = me; you, you (thou, thee) = yu; he, him = he; she, her = she; we, us = ah-we; they, them = dem;

To form the possessive form of the pronoun add "fu-" to the above. However, the pronoun "our" is an exception where we add "ar-".

my, mine = fu-mi; your, yours (thy, thine) = fu-yu; his, his = fu-he; her, hers = fu-she; our, ours = ah-we; you all = ah-yu; their, theirs = fu-dem

e.g. a fu-yu daag dat, that is your dog.

See also

External links